
A debate over Amtrak funding derailed the House of Representative’s fiscal 2024 transportation bill Tuesday as opponents, many of them Republicans from the northeast, criticized the bill’s deep cuts to the train agency. The House was set to vote Tuesday on the Transportation-Housing and Urban Development measure, one of 12 appropriation bills that GOP leaders
Several large new-issues priced into a stronger market with munis seeing gains across the yield curve amid constructive secondary activity as U.S. Treasuries pared back some of Mondays losses and equities also improved. Triple-A yields fell three to five basis points while USTs made gains up to eight basis points out long. The two-year muni-to-Treasury
Voters in Rhode Island’ will face several local ballot questions Tuesday, mostly for for local school bonds. Rhode Island is in the midst of a state-backed overhaul of its educational facilities, many of which are deemed to be outdated and in need of replacement or renovation, and local officials hoping to tap a state reimbursement
The notion of channeling federal dollars devoted to infrastructure improvement into affordable housing including office conversions located near mass transit is picking up steam. Quantifying the possibilities and costs offered by the concept remains elusive but recent research is revealing new possibilities.  “We end up concluding something on the order of 10% of the existing
States would suffer deep cuts in water infrastructure funding they receive through state revolving funds, which make up a significant corner of the municipal bond market, under a bill passed Friday by the U.S. House of Representatives. The fiscal 2024 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations measure, House Bill 4821, totals $37.4
Municipals rallied hard Thursday following another day of U.S. Treasury market gains while equities closed the session up as investors contemplate the end of Fed rate hikes. Triple-A yields fell 10 to 14 basis points while UST saw gains of up to 16bps out long. These were the largest gains the muni market has seen
Municipals were firmer Wednesday but underperformed a U.S. Treasury rally after the Fed held rates steady. Equities rallied as well. The municipal market was up “a touch” after the Fed announced it would keep rates unchanged at their November meeting, according to Michael Pietronico, chief executive officer at Miller Tabak Asset Management. Commenting on the
Municipal bond delinquencies declined in the third quarter, despite some dramatic outliers including Mercy Hospital’s bankruptcy filing in Iowa, and some unrated affordable housing and senior living bonds, Moody’s Investors Service said. There were only three new municipal bond defaults in the third quarter, compared to nine in the second quarter, Moody’s analysts wrote. Two
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has said he will challenge more than $5.5 billion of federal transportation grants after the U.S. Government Accountability Office agreed with him that the grant criteria should be subject to Congressional approval. The GAO on Oct. 18 issued an eight-page ruling that found that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Multimodal discretionary