Real Estate

A real estate project under construction in Shanghai’s newer Pudong district on Feb. 23, 2023. Future Publishing | Future Publishing | Getty Images BEIJING — More people in China want to buy houses again, according to a first quarter survey released Monday by the People’s Bank of China. The share of respondents planning to buy
Nonrecourse carveout guaranties are part of the landscape for commercial real estate loans, much as landmines are part of the landscape for recent war zones. These nonrecourse carveout landmines have often exploded dramatically in the faces of carveout guarantors. Guaranties triggered full recourse for the loan if the borrower violated one of several dozen single
The owner of a building in the New York suburbs (let’s call it the Julex Tower) opened negotiations with a possible buyer. As is customary, the owner and possible seller asked the possible buyer to sign a confidentiality agreement, agreeing not to share information about Julex Tower or the possible sale. Like most other confidentiality
There’s something happening at the nation’s malls, department stores and discount retailers. Smaller brands are setting up shop within these emporiums, providing a fresh offering for shoppers—and a new way for larger retailers to keep pace with rapidly evolving consumer trends. While the concept of a specialized offering surrounded by general merchandise isn’t new—it’s the