Miniseries | E+ | Getty Images Homebuyers are dealing with record-high costs this year amid interest rate hikes and shrinking supply. While shopping for homes is increasingly competitive, prospective buyers should consider an additional factor when weighing the pros and cons of a given property: the homeowners association, or HOA. Homeowners associations are run by
The notion of channeling federal dollars devoted to infrastructure improvement into affordable housing including office conversions located near mass transit is picking up steam. Quantifying the possibilities and costs offered by the concept remains elusive but recent research is revealing new possibilities.  “We end up concluding something on the order of 10% of the existing
States would suffer deep cuts in water infrastructure funding they receive through state revolving funds, which make up a significant corner of the municipal bond market, under a bill passed Friday by the U.S. House of Representatives. The fiscal 2024 Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies appropriations measure, House Bill 4821, totals $37.4
Municipals rallied hard Thursday following another day of U.S. Treasury market gains while equities closed the session up as investors contemplate the end of Fed rate hikes. Triple-A yields fell 10 to 14 basis points while UST saw gains of up to 16bps out long. These were the largest gains the muni market has seen
The United States has long seen itself as an open-for-investment free-market bastion. But concerns about national security–and some political grandstanding– could close the doors to foreign buyers, particularly when it comes to farmland. By Kelly Phillips Erb, Forbes Staff The action last week by Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin affected a mere 160 acres of
Stay informed with free updates Simply sign up to the US interest rates myFT Digest — delivered directly to your inbox. The Federal Reserve held interest rates at a 22-year high on Wednesday but kept open the possibility of additional monetary tightening amid mounting evidence the US economy remains strong. The meeting is the second